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Vestry Nominations

Vestry Mission Statement: To help grow disciples of Jesus Christ by leading parish ministries and stewarding our time, talent, and treasure in a Godly way.


Being a vestry member involves discerning God’s vision for us, communicating this vision to the congregation and committee leaders, developing and supporting parish leaders, and personally and actively advancing the mission and vision of St. Clement's and its various committees in all settings and interactions.


Special dates to note regard the Vestry Nomination process are:

Sunday, November 20: Vestry Nominations Closed
Sunday, November 27: Nominations Posted
Sunday, December 4: Election of 3 New Vestry Members


Please prayerfully consider serving in parish leadership on the vestry. Elections will be held at our Annual Parish Meeting on December 4; nomination forms are due by November 20. Vestry members serve for a three year term. Follow the link below for the nomination form.

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